6 settembre 2013

Italian Twist Coconut Carrot Cake

Coconut Carrot Cake
Serves 10 

A delicious healthy recipie inspired by Le Cronache del Forno. An Italian based cooking group.healthy and devious, just what you want to feed to your kids!!


  • 300 grams shredded carrots
  • 150 g coconut flour or shredded coconut shredded more in the mixer
  • 150 g honey
  • 3 eggs
  • One packet of vanillarized baking powder

Mix everything together

If your not allergic to butter or flour butter and flour the baking pan before placing the mixture in.
Place in the pans at 160 degrees Celsius 350 Fahrenheit and cook for 30-40 mins.
You will know it is done when it turns golden brown around the edges and top and starts to come away from the sides of the pan.

* if you want to make a more traditional Italian carrot cake take a look at "Italian Carrot Cake".

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